4 3-week blood-sugar friendly-meal plans designed just for you (12 weeks total!)

Seasonal Meal Plan Bundle

Unlock our Seasonal Bundle, which includes 3-week blood-sugar friendly meal plans for each season (12 weeks total!) curated to help keep your numbers low, without sacrificing flavor

Does this sound like you?


You want to indulge in your seasonal favorites but you're stressed about how they're going to set off your blood sugar balance


You're overwhelmed & confused by the nutrition information to support your blood sugar balance that you either eat the SAME foods all the time or just live a little on edge because you can't continue to miss out on the joy that food brings


There's a constant cloud hanging over your head from the stress and anxiety about how your blood sugars will react after each meal


…..And its all taking a toll on your well-being.

Well, you see— I know how frustrating it can be

Which is why I created these 4 21-day Meal Plans with recipes that WON'T send your sugar numbers on a rollercoaster ride. The recipes are carefully selected to ensure your sugars are balanced AND they include carbs! 


You deserve to have EXCITING meals that are blood sugar friendly and that include carbs EVERY SEASON


You get access to recipes for the deliciously designed meal plan so that you're not left trying to figure things out


A weekly grocery list so that you have everything you need when it's time to cook 


Macro count so you know exactly how much insulin you need if that is part of your diabetes management

I am deserving of delicious meals that not only support my blood sugar management but also ignite my passion for cooking.

I choose to empower myself with the skills to confidently balance my blood sugars. 

I deserve to feel equipped with the tools that will allows me to manage my blood sugar balance with ease. 



It’s time to grab your meal plans that were designed by a Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator just for you!

Kristie Messerli


Registered Dietitian

Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist

I empower people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to manage their blood sugars with ease.

I follow a non diet & non weight centric approach which means we can finally toss out the scale and focus on the numbers that count (your A1c and blood sugar levels).

You finally get to say YESS to carbs and feel confident in your food choices because I've equipped you with the foundational knowledge of managing your diabetes - in real life. 

Cooking meals with ease

When you get access to these deliciously curated recipes, you won't feel bored or frustrated with you meals. You'll finally be excited to eat again!

Deliciously designed recipes 

Let's make balancing your blood sugars fun by adding more flavor and creativity back into the kitchen. 

Grocery shop with confidence 

We know meal planning can be hard so we look care of compiling the grocery lists for you! 

Ready to enjoy blood sugar friendly meals without a side of stress & overwhelm? 

Get the Seasonal Meal Plan Bundle and save $89!



